Traditional & contemporary craft courses in north Wales
0776 5251531
handmade by you in
wernog wood

Botanical skincare
... a little information about your course...
taught by
Sami Blackford
For those who are interested in knowing what oils may be used, Sami tends to use:
Olive and coconut oil for soap making
Grape seed oil for skincare products
Jojoba oil for perfumes
Sami also suggests you bring the following:
Notebook/paper and pen/pencil – to record recipes, notes, etc
Old clothes, overalls or apron (Wernog Wood does have some leather aprons)
More specifically for the soap making course
Bring a silicone loaf tin if you have one as this makes a good mouldÂ
Please wear long sleeves, full shoes (no sandals, etc)
Safety glasses – some will be available, but you may like to bring your own
Rubber or latex gloves – some will be available, but you may like to bring your own
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